Legal Notice of KOPA Forwarding GmbH
Information according to § 5 of the German Broadcasting Media Act:
Haslacherweg 77, 89075 Ulm, Germany
Director: Mr. Eduard Paul, Mrs. Alexandra Kopeleva-Paul
VAT ID number: DE289574564
Local court HRB Ulm 729219
Tel: ++ 49 731 155386-0
Fax: ++ 49 731 155386-20
Content responsibility: KOPA Forwarding GmbH
Design & Webmaster
Top10 Service
Theodor Brinkmann, Klingsmooser Str. 10, 86571 Langenmosen
Tel.: 08433 929 525, Fax.: 08433 929527
We operate on the base of the German low:
We exclusively operate on the basis of “General German forwarding conditions”.
“General German forwarding conditions” are here as a PDF document available:
Allgemeine Deutsche Spediteurbedingungen ADSp. To open the files you need the free Adobe Reader.
Source information for all images and graphics:
Some pictures are from
The content and visual elements on this website are subject to German copyright law. Reproducing, altering or distributing them, as well as any form of use that goes beyond what is permitted by copyright law, requires the written permission of the author or designer in question.
Downloading and copying this website is only permitted for private, non-commercial purposes. When the content on this website has not been created by the operator, the copyright of the third party will still be observed. Content created by third parties is therefore especially acknowledged as such. If you notice a violation of copyright, please inform us. As soon as we are made aware of any violations of the law, we will remove that data immediately. The images and graphics on our pages have been created in large part by us or by
Liability for contents
As a service provider, we are responsible for our content on this website according to § 7, para. 1 of the German Broadcasting Media Act and general legal requirements. According to §§ 8-10 of the German Broadcasting Media Act, we are however not obliged to monitor data transferred or saved by third parties or, as the case may be, to check whether this data is in violation of the law. Our obligations to remove or block the use of data according to general law are not affected by this. A liability in this regard is however only effective after a concrete violation of the law has come to our attention. As soon as we are aware of any violations of the law, we will remove the data immediately.
Liability for links
Our website contains links to third-party websites, but we don't have any influence on its content. For this reason, we don't accept liability for this third-party's content. The provider or operator of the linked website is always responsible for the content of their site. We checked for violations of the law at the point of time when we linked those third-party websites. Content in violation of the law was not identified at the time of linking. A permanent monitoring of the contents of linked websites is however not possible without having specific knowledge regarding a violation of the law. As soon as we are made aware of any violations of the law, we will remove the data immediately.